Holy Goat Percussion is a highly personalized company specializing in:
- Drum sales of authentic djembe and dunun…Get a drum you love!
- Special events, workshops and performances…Learn what’s up.
For Tam Tam Mandingue – Chicago’s classes in West African djembe and dunun…click here.
Holy Goat Percussion was founded by Michael Taylor, a djembe player, educator, performer and recording artist whose collaborative creations include:
- 2 NEW instructional DVDs! Remembering How to Drum and Akaran Iko Iko
- Silence, Taylor’s first solo venture into the musical jungle…Preview it.
- A Touch of Chaos in the Rhythmic Soup, with Christian Pawola…Hear it, here.
- Kaben Kafo, a West African drum troupe…Catch the act!
For more information and links to drumming resouces, visit our Links page.
Any other questions? Send an email to taylor@holygoat.com.